Dhwani Garg is an Indian-born designer currently living in Boston, MA. Dhwani’s practice centers on exploring how type scale can intertwine through emotion, form, and system in various frameworks. She is always willing to create new challenges for herself within the creative process and transform them into unexpected ideas. Her designs transcend mere aesthetics; they are systematic, strategic, and imbued with a sense of purpose. 

To hire her for freelance projects, collaborate, or just say hi, get in touch with her here.

Resume available upon request.


Sept. 2022–May 2024
Masters of Fine Arts in Graphic Design 
Boston University College of Fine Arts
Boston, MA

July 2018–May 2022
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication
Unitedworld Institude of Design, 
Karnavati University, 
Gujarat, India


Jan. 2024–April 2024
Teaching Assistant (Prof. Brockett Horne)
Junior Typography, Boston University
Boston, MA

Dec. 2023–April 2024
Graphic Designer 
MFA Exhibition Branding, Boston University
Boston, MA

May 2020–Dec. 2022
Freelance Graphic Designer

June 2021–August 2021
Graphic Design Intern
Purple Phase Communications
Ahmedabad, India


May 2024 
Commonwealth Typography Award


Feb. 2024
New Generation Graphic Designer Recognized by Adobe
Adobe Creative Retreat
Boston, MA


June 2024
Portfolio featured in cargo Website, Newsletter and Instagram.

May 2024
Question Quilts project featured in the online Dezeen

April 2024
Graduate thesis body of work featured in Boston University online news channel.

April 2024
Editorial Books and Posters  featured in Side B, MFA Graphic Design Exhibition.

Jan. 2022
Project on Dahy Beauty Packaging Design, featured in the Packaging of the World.

Dec. 2020
Project on Nezz Pure Essential Oil Packaging Design, featured in the Packaging of the World.

