Pattern Design
The collection of A-Z patterns is created using the Firki typeface
with the passion for precision and an eye for details. Following a methodology similar to that of Question Quilts, I followed the
steps from “Kaba Ornament in
Vignettes Borders and Patterns”1 to create the pattern. Each glyph within the collection undergoes a sequence of
transformations, including translation, single-axis mirroring and
translation, twofold rotation and translation, glide reflection and
translation, single-axis mirroring and gradual translation, twofold
rotation and single-axis glide reflection and translation, twofold
rotation with wide glide reflection and translation, mirroring two
axes and translation, mirroring two axes and gradual translation,
fourfold rotation and translation, fourfold rotation with glide
reflection along two axes, and mirroring along two axes with
fourfold rotation (which also generates diagonal mirroring in one
direction).1 Moreover, specific designs are created instinctively,
contributing an element of spontaneity and originality to the entire
compilation. I deliberately opted to keep the patterns in black and
white due to the delicate nature of the glyphs, scrupulously designed
at specific sizes ranging from 6 pt to 20 pt. This ensures that each
intricate detail remains clear, preserving the integrity of the patterns without detracting from their delicate nature.
The patterns features Firki letter C, G, I, T, U, X and Y.
1. Does, Bram de. Kaba-ornament: Experiments with a Typographical Ornament and Its Mirror Image in Vignettes, Borders and Patterns. De Buitenkant, 2006, page 30 and 31.